There will be 35 full-time permanent jobs created and 15 seasonal jobs. It's possible that people could job share if that suits them better for some of the jobs.
Why Job share? This is to allow people to job share if preferred (I’m sure there will be people around who only want 16Hrs a week). There will also be up to 15 seasonal jobs.
All jobs at the Zip Wire will be paid at or above Scottish Real Living Wage. This is quite a bit above minimum wage.
We have also budgeted in annual bonuses so the salary could be considerably more than minimum wage.
We’ve also planned in a training budget for all staff. This means that not only is it reasonable salary (above minimum wage) but also funded training for employees.
Our aim is to support and encourage all those who are employed at the zip wire to progress and build skills to climb the ladder within the zip wire (no pun intended), but also to perhaps utilize the new skills (paid for by the zip wire) to seek other careers using the zip wire as a career springboard.
And finally I’ll take this opportunity to explain a few more points about the jobs:
Male and female staff will be paid the same.
All staff will have the ability to be seconded to charitable projects around the village (subject to availability).
Uniform will be provided for all staff.
There will be a range of jobs available (activity based, reception, admin jobs, boat and bus drivers).
Only three of the activity-based jobs will need previous experience so a vast majority of the jobs will be open to anyone who wants to apply and training will be provided.